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Yoga Qualifications

Adv. Dipl. Yoga


The Advanced Diploma in Yoga Practices is grounded in Hatha Yoga, strongly influenced by the ancient teachings of Gheranda Samhita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Shiva Samhita and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with the college's Yoga practice being informed and influenced by Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya.


This Yoga qualification focuses on personal practice and the practicalities of teaching Yoga techniques and philosophies. This course prepares students to confidently conduct their own Yoga teaching and Yoga therapy business.

Core Units 

  • Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately

  • Contribute to effective workplace relationships

  • Research and apply evidence to practice

  • Monitor and manage small business operations

  • Establish & manage client relationships

  • Engage with health professionals and the health system

  • Provide first aid

  • Work with diverse people

  • Participate in workplace health and safety

  • Confirm physical health status

  • Analyse and respond to client health information

  • Reflect on and improve own professional practice

  • Apply Yoga sutras to holistic classical Yoga

  • Apply history & philosophy of Yoga for holistic classical Yoga practices

  • Apply holistic classical Yoga asana to holistic classical Yoga

  • Plan, deliver and evaluate a holistic classical Yoga program

  • Apply concepts of the gunas to holistic classical Yoga

  • Apply concepts of the doshas to holistic classical Yoga

  • Apply concepts of the chakras to holistic classical Yoga

  • Apply concepts of the koshas to holistic classical Yoga

  • Apply pranayama, mudra and bandha techniques to holistic classical Yoga

  • Apply relaxation techniques to holistic classical Yoga

  • Apply meditation techniques to holistic classical Yoga

  • Apply holistic classical Yoga practices for therapeutic purposes

Course Duration: 1 year

Advanced Diploma in Yoga Practices - Career Tasks & Responsibilities

The Advanced Diploma of Holistic Classical Yoga Practices will provide you with skills and knowledge that you may apply to other career paths, e.g. as a Counsellor, Massage therapist, Naturopath, Physiotherapist, Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Chiropractor, Reiki Practitioner and many more.

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